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Sir Dalton and the Shadow Heart Page 14
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Page 14
To what is Sejus referring when He tells Dalton that He will be in Dalton forever and Dalton will be in Sejus forever? Find a passage of Scripture that explains this.
Just before Dalton and Sejus part ways, Sejus reminds him, “Dalton, I came to you because you called for me.” What does this represent? Use Romans 10:13 to support your answer.
Why do you think that talking so much about the Prince brought tension to Dalton’s relationship with Lady Brynn? Have you ever experienced tension in a relationship because of your strong faith in Christ?
What do the death ravens represent according to Matthew 13:4, 19 and Ephesians 6:16?
When Dalton encounters Drox on his return to the prison of Distazo (doubt), he tells Drox that he (Drox) feeds on the fears of others and that he has no real power over any of the knights he holds prisoner. If this is true, where does Drox’s power come from?
Has there ever been a time in your life when you have determined to pursue God wholeheartedly or encouraged others to follow Him? Does it seem that the devil attacks more fiercely at those times? Why or why not?
Dalton was encouraged to find that Koen and Carliss had joined him in the battle against Drox and the Vincero Knights. Have you ever gone to battle against the powers of darkness for a friend or had a friend go to battle for you? How might you do this?
After the prisoners were released from Distazo, some refused to leave out of fear of Drox’s threats. Can you find a verse in Galatians that encourages believers to live in freedom and not in bondage?
Christ has equipped and commissioned you to the same call as that of Sir Dalton—to free prisoners from darkness. Can you find a passage in Isaiah that confirms this truth?
When Koen becomes concerned about Carliss’s disappearance, Dalton and Orland offer to help in any way possible. They are true friends to Koen. Read Proverbs 18:24. What might produce such a close friendship?
Review the virtue and the vice or stronghold this book focuses on. Can you name them?
Answers for the Kingdom Series
The Prince represents Jesus Christ.
The Knights of the Prince represent all Christians.
The Noble Knights represent the Jews who were hostile to Jesus and His disciples (the Pharisees, for example).
Chessington represents Jerusalem, and Arrethtrae represents the whole world (earth and terra are combined backward to make up this word).
The Dark Knight, also referred to as Lucius, represents Satan.
The Silent Warriors are God’s angels, and the Shadow Warriors are Satan’s demons.
A Vincero Knight is a person who has been personally trained by one of Lucius’s Shadow Warriors to spread and cultivate evil. Vincero Knights are ruthless and twisted by the evil that has mentored them. They represent people who are committed to propagating evil in the world, such as murderers, drug dealers, and the like.
A haven represents a local church, where believers are trained, discipled, and sent out to share the gospel with others.
Answers for Sir Dalton and the Shadow Heart
Peter 5:8 says, “Be sober, be vigilant; because your adversary the devil walks about like a roaring lion, seeking whom he may devour.” Our enemy is the devil and his demons. Lord Drox represents one of Satan’s demons.
Jesus says in Luke 12:4, “And I say to you, My friends, do not be afraid of those who kill the body, and after that have no more that they can do.” Having the power to kill another person does not make anyone lord. Many believers have been martyred for their faith in Jesus, but those who murdered them could not rob them of the eternal life they have in Christ Jesus.
Dalton didn’t know how to use his sword to defeat Drox. He had been depending on his own strength instead of relying on the power of the Prince. True power comes from God’s Holy Word, so it is important to memorize Scripture to be ready for battle against Satan and his fallen angels.
Answers based on personal experience. Some examples are Psalm 139; John 3:16; and 1 John 4:9–10.
According to 2 Timothy 3:16, the Bible should be our primary source of instruction and guidance. It reads, “All Scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness.”
Read 2 Timothy 4:3–4. Koen and Carliss know that Sir Dornan’s teaching is contrary to the teachings of the Prince. The only way to identify false teachers is to first know the truth of the Word. The other trainees are more comfortable listening to a teacher who only tells them what they want to hear.
Answers based on personal experience.
The Bible says in Ephesians 2:8–9 that we are saved by God’s free gift of grace, not by our own works.
John 1:1 states that “the Word was God.” We know that God lives and reigns forever. So also His Word lives and reigns forever as it says in Matthew 24:35: “Heaven and earth will pass away, but My words will by no means pass away.” The Bible is as applicable to us today as when it was written.
Answers will vary. Some supporting verses are: Mark 14:61–62; John 14:6; John 18:36–37; 1 Corinthians 15:3–4; and Revelation 1:18.
The vices of doubt and unbelief surface in Dalton when he encounters the boy at the water bucket. Doubt can start out small and seemingly harmless, but it often grows into a stronghold if it is not confronted with the truth of the Word of God. It is normal for people to have questions about their faith from time to time, but God’s Word is strong enough to answer those questions. Asking honest questions, in fact, can actually be a sign of faith. The vice of doubt is more a matter of allowing oneself to sink into despair or cynicism instead of trusting God with questions.
Doubt grows when it is not confronted with the truth of Christ. Jesus says in Luke 8:50, “Do not be afraid; only believe” (see also Matthew 21:21–22). The only way to overcome doubt is to put your faith in the Word of God rather than in what you see, hear, taste, smell, or feel (1 John 5:4).
Answers based on personal experience. You are blessed when you receive persecution or ridicule for Christ’s sake. Romans 12:21 reminds us not to be overcome by evil, but to overcome evil with good.
This view of God is called deism. Deism is the belief that a supreme God exists and created the universe but does not interact or intervene in the affairs of human life or the natural laws of the universe. Some verses to counter this philosophy are Matthew 28:20; John 17:9–26; and Hebrews 13:5–6.
Some examples of Satan’s devastation are depression, blaming God when bad things happen, pride, adultery, rebellion, greed, and doubt. Jesus brings healing and protection through love, encouragement from other believers, provision of every need, the comfort and guidance of the Holy Spirit, and the wisdom of the Bible.
Doubt is stronger here because Dalton has chosen to tolerate and even entertain doubt rather than rebuke it with the truth of who the Prince is and what the Prince did for Dalton.
These wounds represent wounds to our faith. If doubt isn’t dealt with biblically, it can hinder and even cripple our faith.
Koen is able to defeat the warrior because he operates in his identity as a Knight of the Prince and because the Prince bestows His power and authority upon those who follow Him. This represents the power and authority given to us by Jesus. Read Mark 16:15–20.
Koen demonstrates the virtue of faith, which is the opposite of the vice of doubt. The Bible defines faith in Hebrews 11:1 as “the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen.”
The Pharisees and Sadducees had ample head knowledge of Scripture but did not believe it in their hearts. They couldn’t recognize Jesus fo
r who He was, even when He was standing right in front of them.
Dalton has yet to confront doubt with the truth that because he wields the power of the Prince, Dalton is stronger than doubt. Until you know who you are in Christ and what you have because of Christ, you are ineffective in the spiritual battle against the powers of darkness in the world. Read 1 John 4:13, 17–18.
Drox knew that he had no power over Koen. The only power that Drox had was given to him by Dalton. Likewise, the only power that Satan and his demons have over a child of God is that which a believer gives them. When Jesus died for our sins on the cross, He stripped Satan and his demons of their power (Colossians 2:14–15; Hebrews 2:14). Sometimes Christians forget this.
The dark lord represents Satan—or in the world of Arrethtrae, Lucius.
Answers based on personal experience. Both fear and doubt can hinder a believer from sharing the gospel. Examples are 1 John 4:16–19 and 2 Timothy 1:7.
Answers based on personal experience.
Jesus says His truth will set you free (John 8:32). In reality, not believing in the Lord’s truth puts people in a prison run by Satan. Only faith in Christ can free us. One example is John 8:44.
Some ways that we let doubt and unbelief into our lives are through the media (movies, television, books, etc.) and demoralizing conversation. If we choose to engage in unwholesome activities and dwell on unwholesome thoughts, we give strength to doubt and unbelief. Read Philippians 4:8.
Proverbs 12:15, 19.
Second Corinthians 5:17. This verse tells us that our old nature has passed away. When a person dies, sometimes we say that he has passed away, as in he is dead and cannot exist any longer on this earth. It is the same with our old, sinful nature. When we begin a relationship with Christ, we receive a new nature, and our old nature dies and is gone forever. Our new nature does not exist in addition to our old nature but instead replaces our old nature.
Dalton’s commitment to the Prince should be the most important thing in his life. Likewise in our lives, our relationship with Jesus should be our first priority. Read Matthew 6:33 and Matthew 22:37–38.
Mister Sejus explains that the sword could only break if it were used by one who lacked the proper skill. God’s Word can never actually “break.” However, it can be misinterpreted or misrepresented by people who do not have the Holy Spirit to guide their understanding, who have limited knowledge or maturity in its application, or who have ulterior motives.
Dalton was simply going through the motions of being a Knight of the Prince, but he lacked the heart or the passion to truly follow Him. In Revelation 3:16, Jesus warns the Laodiceans that they have become lukewarm in their Christian walk. They did not have the true heart of a believer.
Hebrews 4:12.
To be effective in battle, a sword must be polished and sharpened beforehand. The rusted and dull sword represents the spiritual condition of a believer who has not studied and memorized God’s Word in preparation for battle against Satan (see 2 Timothy 2:15). Dalton did not practice the Code or apply it to his life.154
We must be sure that we understand the Bible as God intended and not base our understanding completely on the ideas and opinions of others. This doesn’t mean we shouldn’t seek guidance and teaching, just that we need to study God’s Word diligently for ourselves and ask for the Holy Spirit’s guidance.
This applies more today than ever before. The theory of evolution has been embraced by most of the world and is an attempt to deny the existence of God. Creation itself testifies to the existence of a Creator. Some examples are Psalm 19:1–3; Job 12:7–10; Romans 1:20.
Genesis is the foundation of Christianity. Without the solid truth of Genesis, there is no God and no need for a Savior. Therefore, Satan uses evolution to attack the foundation of our faith. The complexity of even a single-celled organism is far greater than anything man has created, and yet a person would be considered a lunatic if he or she believed that a digital watch found in the wilderness evolved into its current form of functionality. The Bible tells us in Romans 1:22 that such people, “professing to be wise, [become] fools.” There are some excellent scientific creationist organizations that have been established to counter Satan’s great lie.
Eden (N-E-D-E haven).
Just as the Code and the life of the Prince should direct the thoughts and the actions of a Knight of the Prince, so the Bible and the life of Christ should direct the thoughts and actions of Christians. It is important that we believers are constantly in the Word so we can discern and verify those things being taught.
John 1:1.
Jesus (S-E-J-U-S). Dalton finally recognizes the lordship of Sejus. Similarly, once a person truly understands who Jesus is and what He has done for humankind on the cross, he or she is humbled…and Jesus can then become Lord to them.
The treasures of God—such as forgiveness, mercy, and salvation—are cast aside by most of the human race. However, this does not diminish the value of these incredible treasures, especially for those who understand and accept them.
Jesus gave us the gift of eternal life (Ephesians 2:8–9). He also gave us the Bible to instruct and guide us (2 Timothy 3:16) and for us to use in the battle against the powers of darkness in this world (Ephesians 6:10–17).
Sejus’s transformation from a weak old man to a strong man of great power and wisdom represents the transformation that occurs in the mind of a person who begins to understand who Jesus really is. An unbeliever often gives little regard or respect to Jesus and will even take His name in vain, but once a person is saved, his or her mind is enlightened to the glory and power of Jesus. We know who God really is by reading His Word and by communicating with Him in prayer. Our perception of who God is can greatly affect our relationship with Him in that we limit what He can do in our lives by what we believe He is capable of
Some examples are Matthew 21:42; Ephesians 2:20; and 1 Peter 2:6.
Dalton represents a person who has a new life in Christ, just as Christ is in him. John 15:1–7 explains this.
When we call on Jesus, He promises to save us. Romans 10:13 says, “Whoever calls on the name of the LORD shall be saved.”
Sometimes a believer’s strong faith may accentuate the rift that exists when two people do not share a similar bond in Christ. A believer who is completely “sold out” for Christ can often cause lukewarm Christians to feel uncomfortable. Answers based on personal experience.
The death ravens represent the evil works of Satan that aim to “devour” or destroy truth and faith like the birds who devoured the seed in Jesus’ parable. They are the fiery darts mentioned in Ephesians 6:16 that can only be quenched by the shield of faith.
The only power Drox has is given to him by those who submit themselves to fear and doubt. As a Knight of the Prince and as a child of God, you have not been given “a spirit of fear, but of power and of love and of a sound mind” (2 Timothy 1:7).
When we pursue God wholeheartedly, we move to the front line of the spiritual battle to expand the kingdom of God. This is where the great rewards are won and can also be where we are buffeted by Satan, just as Paul was (see 2 Corinthians 12:7). Although we are attacked, remember that 1 John 4:4 states, “He who is in you is greater than he who is in the world.” Rest of answer based on personal experience.
Answers based on personal experience. Prayer is one of our greatest weapons against evil, for through prayer we have direct access to the incredible power of God. Christian fellowship and edification (building up) are also a powerful help for those facing spiritual battles. Dalton would not have been able to defeat Lord Drox without the fellowship and support of Koen, Carliss, and Si Kon.
Galatians 5:1.
Two possibilities are Isaiah 61:1–3 and Isaiah 42:6–7.
Proverbs 18:24 says, “A man who has friends must himself be friendly, but there is a friend who sticks closer than a brother.” Enduring an extreme hardship together, such as a fierce battle, can forge such a tight, close, loving, and loyal relationship—one that transcends even family bonds. This can easily happen with fellow believers in Jesus Christ, for they share the same Holy Spirit and are in the ultimate battle between Good and Evil. Sharing this experience can indeed create a friend that is closer than a brother (or sister).